Loop takes already existing plastic items along with polyester fiber materials, like carpets and T-shirts, then breaks them down to be turned into new plastic products.
Working with them, we created one of the best yarns in the world, which consists of thin metallic alloys wrapped around with polyester fibers and cotton fibers.
Instead of using petroleum and natural gas, Loop takes already existing plastic items along with polyester fiber materials, like carpets and T-shirts, then breaks them down to be turned into new plastic products.
为取代石油和天然气,“循环工业”混合现有的塑料品和酯纤维材料,例如地毯和 T 恤,然后把它们分解并转变成新的塑料制品。
And after it's used as a plastic water bottle, color container, polyester fiber, or more, it can be broken down and built back up again, a continuous cycle that doesn't require fossil fuels.